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What's Holding You Back?

Brian Ferry March 2012

Did you know that clutter is one of the biggest obstacles to your ability to achieve your goals? 

It is my belief that the state of one's environment is a key factor that is often overlooked when it comes to living a balanced lifestyle, achieving goals and living a life of purpose. 

Clutter robs you of energy, is a time waster, and keeps you living in the past.  When your home is cluttered, dirty, and disorganized not only are you unable to be productive, but it inidicates that you do not believe that you are worthy of living in a beautiful space.  When your home is in disarray you remain in a state of feeling stressed and are unable to move forward in your life.  A cluttered home can also be intimidating resulting in proscrastination because you are stuck and do not know where or how to begin—even simple tasks can seem overwhelming, causing you to feel frustrated and exhausted.


                                               ...  suzanne rheinstein, designer

​Susan Smith March 2012

Have you heard the phrase, "If walls could talk?"  Well, they do.  Your home says much more than you may think.  I believe it reflects who you and how you feel.  A cluttered home also contributes to a cluttered mind and an inability to focus.  [I believe that] ridding your home of clutter is at the core of self-esteem and optimum health.  

 Everything that you own, love and use should be in its place and you should have  a place for everything.  Clearing the clutter in your home (car and purse) is vital to your ability to feel good about yourself, to be happy and to prosper in life.  Your home should be your sanctuary and clearing the clutter will immediately create a peaceful calm and clarity, enabling you to ceate positive energy, internally and externally, in a way that will nurture you [spirit, mind and body].


                                                                                                                     ... joan didion, authorCarol Simons March 2012

If you are living in chaos and clutter now is the time to take control of your life.  A clean and organized enviornment will assist you in achieving balance and harmony. Only after you have accomplished both will you begin to realize true, lasting change—a change in consciousness that will propel you to achieve your goals and dreams and to live a more meaningful life.  The first steps to achieving balance and harmony is to begin by clearing, cleaning and organizing.

Staging LA has design plans to fit every budget.  Contact us for an in-home consultation and a list of action steps to help you eliminate the clutter and get organized and create a space that is beautiful, warm and welcoming––a place where you can Relax, Dream and CreateAlso ask about our free 10-Step Guide for Gracious Living.

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